KCR cBioPortal Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary

Demographic and clinical data are provided by the Kentucky Cancer Registry which is part of the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) Program.

Patient IDUnique identifier for referring to a patient and diagnosis record with in cBioPortal (see additional details below).
Sample IDUnique identifier for the sample.
SexPatient sexKCR Abstractors Manual
EthnicityPatient ethnicityKCR Abstractors Manual
RacePatient raceKCR Abstractors Manual
Diagnosis YearYear of diagnosis extracted from the date of diagnosisKCR Abstractors Manual
Diagnosis AgePatient age at diagnosisKCR Abstractors Manual
Topography CodeICD-O topography code of anatomical site of primary diagnosis KCR Abstractors Manual
Topography DescriptionICD-O topography description of code for the anatomical site of primary diagnosisKCR Abstractors Manual
Histology CodeICD-O histological code of classification of tumorKCR Abstractors Manual
Histology DescriptionICD-O histological description for the histology codeKCR Abstractors Manual
Best Stage GroupCalculated value for stage. It is calculated from the CS derived stage or the pathologic and clinical TNM Stage Groups recorded for this case.KCR Abstractors Manual
BehaviorBehavior of the tumor being reported.  The fifth digit of the morphology code is the behavior code. KCR Abstractors Manual
LateralityDescribes the involvement of one or both sides of paired organs in a primary diagnosis of cancerKCR Abstractors Manual
Recurrence StatusIdentifies the type of first recurrence after a period of documented disease-free intermission or remissionKCR Abstractors Manual
Marital Status at DiagnosisPatient’s marital status at the time of diagnosis for this tumor, if known.KCR Abstractors Manual
Nodes ExaminedNumber of regional lymph nodes examined.KCR Abstractors Manual
Nodes PositiveNumber of regional lymph nodes positive.KCR Abstractors Manual
Overall Survival StatusPatient overall survival status derived from vital status from the registry.KCR Abstractors Manual

cBioPortal Official OS_STATUS
Primary PayerPatient’s primary payer or insurance carrier at the time of initial admission.KCR Abstractors Manual
SEER Site 1Calculated diagnosis site using Topography and Histology Codes used by SEER.KCR Abstractors Manual

SEER Recode
SEER Super SiteSimilar to SEER Site 1, except this is a larger site group assignment. For example, Lip and Tongue SEER Site 1 fall into the Oral Cavity and Pharynx SEER Super Site.SEER Recode
Site GroupAnother cancer site designation used by the Kentucky Cancer Registry, calculated from the Topography and Histology Codes.KCR Abstractors Manual
Survival StatusDescribes the patient and tumor status at last contact.KCR Abstractors Manual
Tobacco StatusDescribes the patient’s tobacco use.KCR Abstractors Manual
Treatment Composite (All)A summary of all therapy a patient received for a primary incidence of cancer, including first and subsequent courses, calculated from all therapy records in the cancer registry.KCR Abstractors Manual
Treatment Composite (First)A summary of all first course therapy a patient received for a primary incidence of cancer, calculated from all first course therapy records in the cancer registry.KCR Abstractors Manual
Tumor SizeSize measured on the surgical resection specimenKCR Abstractors Manual
Urban RuralA code indicating the urban or rural status of the patient’s address at diagnosis: 1-3 = Urban, 4-9 = RuralKCR Abstractors Manual

The data in cBioportal has been de-identified, but CRI can facilitate access to a rich set of additional data variables for cBioportal cohorts from either the cancer registry or other linked data sets. Please contact us for more information: CRISRF Data Request

Notes on Patient ID and Sample ID

For many of the fields in cBioPortal we are able to control the display field name, however, we cannot control the field names “Patient ID” and “Sample ID” due to limitations of the cBioportal software. The record-level data in this cBioPortal instance is based on a patient’s primary diagnosis of cancer (Patient ID) linked to a molecular variant report from a tissue sample related to that cancer diagnosis (Sample ID). For a single diagnosis record in the cancer registry, a patient could have multiple tissue samples and multiple primary cancer cases. In order to retain this relationship, we are using the Patient ID field to hold the unique identifier for the case or diagnosis. For each case, there is a field named “Registry Patient Identifier” which is a unique patient identifier and allows users to determine if a patient has multiple cases or samples in cBioPortal. While using cBioPortal, if you encounter records where the Registry Patient ID repeats or if a cohort reports more than occurrence of a Registry Patient ID, this is an indicator that a patient has more than one diagnosis or sample.